Founder Profile

Academician, Revivalist, Craftpreneur
I am a graduate in BSc. Home Science from Institute of Home Economics,
Delhi University. I have done Masters in Home Science in Textiles and
Clothing from 2001-2003 from Lady Irwin College, Delhi University. I have
been Awarded ‘Dhan Khambatta Award’ 2003 for Best Student of Textile
Design in M.Sc. Textile & Clothing. Soon after, the post graduation, U.G.C.
NET exam was cleared in December’2005 that embarked career in teaching
profession. Simultaneously, in quest to work in field of Indian Traditional
Textiles, Chamba rumals have been identified as the research area. PhD was
registered in 2009 in Department of Fabric and Apparel Science, Lady Irwin
College, Delhi University. The topic of thesis was ‘Capacity Building of
Artisans for the Sustenance of Traditional Chamba Embroidery’ under the
guidance of Dr. Ritu Mathur and Dr. Veena Gupta. The degree was awarded
on 29th May’2015.
I have teaching experience of seven years in some premium institutions like
Guru Gobind Singh College for Women, Lady Irwin College, National
Museum, NIIFT, Government College of Home Science, Mata Sundri College
and others. I registered for doctoral research in 2009 and discontinue teaching
to carry on Ph.D (as the pre conditions of DU for not in employment). Later
after submission of Ph.D in February’ 2014, I joined Lady Irwin College for
academic session August 2014- April 2015. The journey progressed by
teaching in Government College of Home Science, Chandigarh and NIIFT,
Mohali as guest faculty from 2015-2016. It had been a very gainful journey so
far and gave clear understanding about importance of research along with
I am also one of the founder member and editor to TCRC (Textile and
Clothing Research Center, New Delhi). I was editor of Guru Gobind Singh
College for Women e journal from 2018-2020, Gyankosh: An interdisciplinary
Journal. I am empanelled as designer in Textiles and Clothing with the Office
of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) in October 2013 and
December 2016.
Since the pilot study for the doctoral research, I have been associated with
Delhi Crafts Council from (2007 -2013) in capacity of designer and
coordinator on the project on revival of Chamba Embroidery that gave direct
interface with the artisans. During the doctoral research, extensive research is
carried in restoring traditional technique, rebuilding dyeing procedures using
indigenous dyes, development of design catalogue for access to traditional
designs and motifs, recreated range of products for diversification. Along with
these, intervention with artisans was taken up simultaneously for sustenance of
craft. The documentation has been presented at various prestigious platforms
in form of presentations and research papers in journals and books. These
inputs of research and intervention with artisans were continued even after
submission of doctoral research. As a consequence, a huge collection of
research objects have been handcrafted through these years.
These magnificent artworks once caught the attention of late Dr. Kapila
Vatsyayan, Chairperson, India International Centre, and invited to display it as
an exhibition ‘Rumals of Chamba: Embroidered Expressions of Pahari
Women’ in 2018. The exhibition is based on explorations, revivals and
innovations using diverse stitches and textures in Pahari embroidery. The
exhibition was supplemented with demonstrations, workshops by artisans
from Chamba and symposium for disseminating information on sustaining the
rich cultural heritage of Indian textiles. The exhibition is further taken up by
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) to promote these exquisite
embroidered products in major events worldwide. It has been displayed at
important art centers in Serbia and Switzerland in association with respective
embassies. It was displayed in exhibition gallery of National Assembly of
Serbia, Belgrade. Then, exhibition rolled to next stopover to mark the
commemorative celebrations of 70th Anniversary of signing of friendship
treaty between India and Switzerland, organized by Embassy of India in Berne
during 17-22nd December’2018. It was showcased in March 2019 in various
art centers in Switzerland at Zurich (6- 8
th March), Geneva (16 Mach) and
Lausanne with support of Embassy of India in Berne and ICCR.
Support service
It led to the beginning of a new phase for a complete team as it gave
interface with the audiences at the wider platform. Since then, its tremendous
commercial potential is realized and the core team is committed to advance it
to a community outreach program. The core team of a researcher, miniature
artist, embroiderers, basket maker, natural dyes specialist and weaver has
worked together as a unit for all these years and continues to take the mission
forward in the direction. The premium exclusive product range has found a
market place at some renowned e sites such as,, etc. The initiative has once
again taken another lead by qualifying for the Pratibha Design Challenge in
collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information and NIFT.
Important links
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Youtube Channel: hAMqA
- =top&needAccess=true#.WphH1qvbG1c.whatsapp
And apart from numerous presentations and research paper this paper is most close to my heart; it was my privileged to work on stitch analysis of Ramayana temple hanging from South India, featured in ‘Nauras: The Many Arts of Deccan’ exhibition, National Museum which is presented in 2015 in symposium on ‘Art of Embroidery from South India and Preventive Care of Textile Collection’ and published in 2018 in National Museum Publication.