Speaking at Parichay 2023


Speaking at Parichay 2023, Dr. Rohini shed light on how she came across the miniature art of Chamba Rumal.⁣

Recognising a gap in the understanding of Chamba embroidery, she spearheaded a comprehensive study in collaboration with the Delhi Crafts Council.⁣

The research culminated in the publication of her book, "Embroidered Narratives of Pahari Embroidery," a significant contribution to the preservation and promotion of this traditional craft.⁣

During Dr. Rohini's journey with the craft, she collaborated with miniature artists and skilled embroiderers.This artistic synergy resulted in the meticulous recreation of stunning pieces, each a testament to the exquisite nature of Chamba Rumal embroidery.⁣


Check out designs here!!

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